Individuals facing financial difficulties that are spiralling out of control require expert advice and practical guidance. We can assist with your debt and financial difficulties and provide peace of mind.

The key is to seek advice early so as to have the best likelihood of a successful outcome when are you are facing financial difficulty.

Once you recognise that a problem exists, the first step is to discuss your options with a licensed  insolvency practitioner so that the best solution for your circumstances can be found

Our objective is to achieve the best outcome available. To do this, we need to speak with you and analyse your current position. Once you have made contact with us we will then arrange for a free face to face remote consultation via a virtual platform.

The purpose of this consultation is to assess your situation in-depth and provide free advice, explaining the options available to you and how you can move forward.

There are options available to help you and they vary depending on your current situation. Options include a Voluntary Arrangement or bankruptcy.

A step-by-step guide Is A Voluntary Arrangement Right for Me is designed to help individuals decide if a Voluntary Arrangement is right for them. It is a straightforward guide to help you understand what is involved in an Individual Voluntary Arrangement before you commit yourself,

A guide to bankruptcy can be found here.

Creditors are involved in the insolvency process and will be asked to vote on certain resolutions.

There are four Qualifying Decisions Procedures which can be used.  Further information on the decision procedures can be found here.

Individual Voluntary Arrangement

An individual voluntary arrangement allows individual’s to make an agreement with their creditors to pay off their debts, assets remain within their control, although the arrangement itself is under the control of an Insolvency Practitioner who acts as Supervisor.


If you have a debt problem, one of your options for sorting it out might be bankruptcy. You can apply for bankruptcy if you can’t pay back your debts.

Debt Relief Orders

A Debt Relief Order (DRO) is a way of dealing with your debts under £20,000 if you can’t afford to pay them. It means you don’t have to pay certain kinds of debt for a specified period (usually 12 months).

Breathing Space

The Debt Respite Scheme (Breathing Space) will give someone in problem debt the right to legal protections from their creditors.