Chargeout Rates and Expenses Policy

Appendix B – Chargeout Rates and Expenses Policy

Staff Allocation & Support Staff

An objective and practical approach is taken to each case which includes active Partner involvement from the outset. Other members of staff will be assigned on the basis of experience and specific skills to match the needs of the case. In accordance with the provisions of Statement of Insolvency Practice 9 (SIP 9), set out below are the current and historic charge out rates per hour for the grades of staff employed within Strong Anderson, exclusive of VAT.

Grade of Staff Rate from 12 January 2021 Per Hour (£) Rate from 1 January 2025 Per Hour (£)
Partner 400 475
Senior Manager 300 375
Manager 250 300
Senior Administrators 200 270
Administrators 150 220
Cashier 150 210
Support 50 120

Work undertaken is recorded in 6 minute units in an electronic time recording system. Time properly incurred on cases is charged at the hourly rate of the grade of staff undertaking the work that applies at the time the work is done. There has been no allocation of any general or overhead costs.

Time spent on casework is recording directly to the relevant case and the nature of the work undertaken is recorded at that time. The work is recorded under the following categories:

  • administration (including statutory reporting)
  • realisation of assets
  • creditors (claims and distribution)
  • investigations
  • trading (where applicable)
  • appointment specific matters (where applicable)

Chargeout rates may be subject to periodic increase and this schedule will be updated accordingly.


Details and the cost of any work which has been or is intended to be sub-contracted out that could otherwise by carried out by the office holder or his staff will be provided in any report which incorporates a request for approval of the basis upon which remuneration may be charged.

Direct Expenses (Category 1 Disbursements)

Category 1 expenses are payments to persons providing the service to which the expense relates who are not an associate of the office holder. Category 1 disbursements can be drawn without prior approval, although an office holder should be prepared to disclose information about them in the same way as any other expenses.

Examples of these expenses include, but are not limited to, the following:

Category 1 Expenses Basis of Charge
Professional Advice e.g. costs of solicitors, agents & valuers, pensions advisors, employment specialists etc Typically on a timecosts or fixed fee basis – the basis of charge will be agreed by the office holder so as to represent best value and will be provided in reports to creditors.
Indemnity Bond At actual cost incurred
Statutory and other Advertisement At actual cost incurred
Insurance of Assets At actual cost incurred
Travel (other than mileage) At actual cost incurred
Accountancy Analysis At actual cost incurred
Postage cost At actual cost incurred
External Room hire At actual cost incurred
Books and Records Listing, Storage, Retrieval and destruction At actual cost incurred
Subsistence e.g. accommodation, meals, parking and/or congestion charges, tolls or business telephone calls, incurred by case staff as a direct result of working on an insolvency case Reimbursed at cost incurred

Any payments made to individuals of businesses with whom the practice or an individual within the practice has a business or personal relationship will be disclosed to creditors and an appropriate resolution for approval sought.

Indirect Expenses (Category 2 Disbursements)

Category 2 disbursements are expenses that are directly referable to the appointment in question but which are not to an independent third party and may include shared or allocated costs that can be apportioned to the appointment on a proper and reasonable basis.

Specific approval for Category 2 Disbursements is required from creditors before they can be paid.

It is Strong Andersons policy not to charge Category 2 Disbursements.

Professional Advisors

Details of any professional advisor(s) used will be given in reports to creditors. The fee arrangement for each will be disclosed in reports to creditors and these will be reviewed on a regular basis, together with the recovery or relevant disbursements. The choice of professional advisors is based around a number of factors including, but not restricted to, their expertise in a particular field, the complexity or otherwise of the assignment and their geographic location.


With the exception of Individual Voluntary Arrangements and Company Voluntary Arrangements which are VAT exempt, the office holders’ remuneration and disbursements invoiced to the insolvency estate will be subject to VAT at the prevailing rate.

Creditors’ Rights

Information about Creditors’ rights can be obtained by visiting the creditors’ information micro-site published by the Association of Business Recovery Professionals (R3) at Details about how an office holder’s fees may be approved for each case type and challenged are available in a series of guides issued with SIP 9 and can be accessed a

Alternatively hard copies of these documents may be requested free of charge from Strong Anderson, Suite 14 Unit 2, 94A Wycliffe Road, Northamptonshire, Northampton, NN1 5JF